Hello people, how are you all?? well i am sowie as i am litle lazy in updating articles yhese days as i am working on my new website totaly based on social networking www.socialkites.com.
Well that is under construction back to the today's topic ,i got an animated twitter flying flash button for your blog or website these is very kewl according to looks as well as quality. You can see that on this website also.
Its quite simple to add ,just follow the steps given below:-
1.Login to your Bogger Dashboard and go to Desing >> & Page Elements.
2.Click on 'Add a Gadget' on the sidebar.
3.Select 'HTML/Javascript' and add the one of code given below
2.Click on 'Add a Gadget' on the sidebar.
3.Select 'HTML/Javascript' and add the one of code given below
<center><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.buzzbuttons.com/BUTTON7/twitbutton.swf" width="180" height="200"><param name="movie" value="http://www.buzzbuttons.com/BUTTON7/twitbutton.swf" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="menu" value="false" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="flashvars" value="username=sumitrana3216" /><a href="http://www.gamblinginsider.ca" title="online gambling">online gambling</a><embed src="http://www.buzzbuttons.com/BUTTON7/twitbutton.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" width="180" height="200" menu="false" wmode="transparent" flashvars="username=sumitrana3216"></embed></object>
Note: Replace sumitrana3216 with your twitter account name
4. Now Click on Save "Html Java Script" and You are done.
4. Now Click on Save "Html Java Script" and You are done.
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