Saturday, November 20, 2010

Update your blog using Facebook

we all know about facebook and most of guys definitely use facebook daily we get so much addicted that we cannot live without it. Also fb is so vast everyday new trick of fb is found.So recently i am checking the articles of one of my frd hack tweaks and i found very nice article which is very usefull for blogger. we can now use fb and also update our blog at the same time.You can update following blog services:

  • TypePad
  • Blogger
  • Wordpress
  • Live Journal
  • Movable Type
Right now let me demonstrate for two most famous blogging platform, Wordpress and Blogger

First of all login to your Facebook account, and go to
Then the Blog IT application will ask permission to allow it, allow it by clicking on Allow button.

In next Add Account window, select your blog type.

Blogger users must select Blogger. And if you have WordPress account in your own hosted domain then check Site, else if you have your blog registered in then choose

Now you'll have option according to your blog type.
If you are using Blogger then follow these (Note: If you are not Blogger user then skip this) :
After choosing Blog type, you'll be asked to Authorize Blogger Account. Click it.

Then the page will be redirected to Google Blogger, if you have already signed in you'll see following window.

Click on Grant Access.

If you haven't logged in then you'll be redirected to Login page and after logging in you'll be redirect to Grant Access page.

After you've granted access to your blog, you'll be asked to choose the blog you want to update (in case if you have multiple blogs). Select your blog and Click on Save Changes button.

Once the operation is successful, yfou'll be able to update your blog from Facebook.

Now you have successfully setup your blog. Read how to post the from Facebook.

If you have WordPress Blog follow from here:
Type your WordPress username, password and URL to your blog and Click on Add account.

Now you have successfully setup your WordPress blog.

After successfully setting up your blog, you can click on Post to Blog button to post a new article directly to your blog from Facebook.

Select your blog and type a new post and publish it.

Note that, this application doesn't check's your WordPress Blog URL. If you have given wrong information then it will not be able to publish your post.
The status will show if the post is published or not by a check mark icon.

Adding more than one blog.
You can add more than one blog. To add new one just go to Manage accounts.

Click on Add account and repeat the same process.

Bookmark this application link to instantly load the Blog IT Page.
You'll be able to update multiple blog at once without logging in.
Hope you loved this article. Bookmark and subscribe us for more interesting articles. Meanwhile, make your time to share this article.

A vey very special thanks to hack tweaks

Get Your Own .Info domain for free

To get any to level domain for free is not to easy, most of the hosting site give free domain but want large amount of money for hosting, some are giving domain for free but they are not top level domain.

So how to get a free domain, don’t worry i have the way to get one

freeola.Com is giving free .Info domain for uk residential people. So you can get one also

First of all go to freeproxylists.Com and get one uk proxy
now goto freeola.Com then make id and fill up uk residensial address to the personal info.
It will take 24 hours to get free .Info domain.
For address you can use online UK business directory.



  1. Go to
  2. Grab a UK proxy.
  3. Go to
  4. Register there.
  5. Visit
  6. Click on the button that says “Login and choose my free domain
  7. Choose your free .info domain and enter the information required. (Lookup fakenamegenerator or google for the address thing. )
  8. Wait for some hours. (It took around 30 hrs but it depends)
  9. You’ll get the mail in your mail box. Enjoy.
That’s it. So simple. Remember, the offer is only meant for UK citizens and one domain per household. That’s why we are using a UK proxy. If they find you suspicious, you won’t get it. But, I don’t think they’ll know that :) . No worry. And yes, you can change Name Servers as well.

Hope You Enjoyed this trick  and Don’t forget to share your Experience to Get Free .info By Comments :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Update your Blog using Facebook

we all know about facebook and most of guys definitely use facebook daily we get so much addicted that we cannot live without it. Also fb is so vast everyday new trick of fb is found.So recently i am checking the articles of one of my frd hack tweaks and i found very nice article which is very usefull for blogger. we can now use fb and also update our blog at the same time.
You can update following blog services:

  • TypePad
  • Blogger
  • Wordpress
  • Live Journal
  • Movable Type
Right now let me demonstrate for two most famous blogging platform, Wordpress and Blogger

First of all login to your Facebook account, and go to
Then the Blog IT application will ask permission to allow it, allow it by clicking on Allow button.

In next Add Account window, select your blog type.

Blogger users must select Blogger. And if you have WordPress account in your own hosted domain then check Site, else if you have your blog registered in then choose

Now you'll have option according to your blog type.
If you are using Blogger then follow these (Note: If you are not Blogger user then skip this) :
After choosing Blog type, you'll be asked to Authorize Blogger Account. Click it.

Then the page will be redirected to Google Blogger, if you have already signed in you'll see following window.

Click on Grant Access.

If you haven't logged in then you'll be redirected to Login page and after logging in you'll be redirect to Grant Access page.

After you've granted access to your blog, you'll be asked to choose the blog you want to update (in case if you have multiple blogs). Select your blog and Click on Save Changes button.

Once the operation is successful, yfou'll be able to update your blog from Facebook.

Now you have successfully setup your blog. Read how to post the from Facebook.

If you have WordPress Blog follow from here:
Type your WordPress username, password and URL to your blog and Click on Add account.

Now you have successfully setup your WordPress blog.

After successfully setting up your blog, you can click on Post to Blog button to post a new article directly to your blog from Facebook.

Select your blog and type a new post and publish it.

Note that, this application doesn't check's your WordPress Blog URL. If you have given wrong information then it will not be able to publish your post.
The status will show if the post is published or not by a check mark icon.

Adding more than one blog.
You can add more than one blog. To add new one just go to Manage accounts.

Click on Add account and repeat the same process.

Bookmark this application link to instantly load the Blog IT Page.
You'll be able to update multiple blog at once without logging in.

Hope you loved this article. Bookmark and subscribe us for more interesting articles. Meanwhile, make your time to share this article.

A vey very special thanks to hack tweaks

Open all external links on new page


This is a really cool hack which will make all the external links to open in new tab or new window. It is based on JavaScript and is really easy to implement.
Why use it?
  • Prevent typing “target=’_blank’” again and again for external links
  • Lets users to see the outside links while staying on your site.
  • If there are some links which don’t have “target=’_blank’” in there <a> tag, then this script will also open them on new page.
Find the </head> tag in your blogger template code by using ctrl+F and place the below code above it.
Also replace and with your blog’s address.
<script language='javascript'>
var dominio = "";
var dominio1 = "";
var script = "javascript:void(0);";
var imagenesblogger0 = "";
var imagenesblogger1 = "";
var imagenesblogger2 = "";
var imagenesblogger3 = "";
var blogger1 = "";
var blogger2 = "";
var publicidad = "";
function LinksExternos() {
var Externo;
if (document.getElementsByTagName('a')) {
for (var i = 0; (Externo = document.getElementsByTagName('a')[i]); i++) {
if (
Externo.href.indexOf(dominio) == -1 &amp;&amp;
Externo.href.indexOf(dominio1) == -1 &amp;&amp;
Externo.href.indexOf(script) == -1 &amp;&amp;
Externo.href.indexOf(imagenesblogger0) == -1 &amp;&amp;
Externo.href.indexOf(imagenesblogger1) == -1 &amp;&amp;
Externo.href.indexOf(imagenesblogger2) == -1 &amp;&amp;
Externo.href.indexOf(imagenesblogger3) == -1 &amp;&amp;
Externo.href.indexOf(publicidad) == -1 &amp;&amp;
Externo.href.indexOf(blogger1) == -1 &amp;&amp;
Externo.href.indexOf(blogger2) == -1
Externo.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
//Externo.setAttribute('class', 'linkexterno');
window.onload = function() {
Save your template and its done.

thnx to bloggerz bible

Xbox Repair Choices

Xbox 360 gaming console comes as a blessing to the game lovers. It is one of those inventions of technology that is purely entertainment and is surely winning the hearts of the people all over the world. With the advent of this generation of the gaming consoles, people have found themselves with a new addiction towards them. Now it is not only the teenagers who love to play games and watch movies through Xbox but it is also the young adults who are all also very much into the Xbox 360 craze. Xbox 360 seems to have broken the bars of age as everyone is now a fan of it!

When you see that everybody around you is so much into an object, you will also like to have some taste of it and so, it is because of this fact that people getting more and more involved with the Xbox 360 as the time is going by. They are buying the Xbox 360 because of two reasons: either they are interested in playing games or they are influenced by people around them. Well, whatever the reason may be, the craze of the Xbox 360 is growing like anything.

When people are buy something they have to keep buying other things also to keep it maintained and entertaining, same is the case with the Xbox 360. When you buy it, you have to buy many more things so that you have your Xbox 360, properly maintained and interesting. You need a lot of stuff for keep your interest in the Xbox 360 going. You have to keep buying discs and games to have it more entertaining than ever and you also need something that will maintain it. The machines, as we know, go through wear and tear and so as Xbox 360 is also a machine, it also goes through from wear and tear from off and on and when something like this happens, you need to be prepared with the possible Xbox repair choices.

Xbox 360 is cursed with many errors and troubles and so, it is quite possible that if you own an Xbox 360 gaming console, you will probably end up getting your Xbox affected from some error or problem. Xbox 360 has some manufacturing faults and then there are some problems which are caused when you do not take care of it properly, all of these problems cause trouble for anyone owning the Xbox. When you are in such a situation you should have something to rely on and that something can be Xbox 360 repair guides

With the help of the Xbox 360 repair guides, you can actually repair your Xbox 360 gaming console all by yourself saving a lot amount of money. When you are an owner of a precious invention like Xbox 360 gaming console then you should know ways to prevent it from any kind of possible trouble or problem and these guides can actually do the work for you quite easily.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Earn money by uploading files , no investment – join now

Earn money by uploading
Earn money by uploading

Hiii i found the new way only for my website visitors

i m always trying to get programs for my visitors to earn money bcoz in life everybody need money

it is very important source of our life
and if u will earn money without doing any thing, i think u will you will sure join that program

Q. 1 What to do to earn ?
ans nothing u have to join this program for free, upload files and then earn
step 1 . upload your files
step2. the link which they give u , send to ur friends, publish it on ur blog/website
The main thing is that u will earn when someone download ur that files
more they download more u earn
They will give you money with paypal or moneybookers
mst join
free to join
click now this link to earn money

mst join....

How to view private facebook profiles

Learn how to view private facebook profiles
In post i will tell you how to view private facebook profiles,This latest hack proves that anyone in the world is able to view anyone’s private tagged pictures,This is why facebook is not privite is still open even after such publicity all over the web
Have you ever wanted to see pictures of an enemy but you couldn’t because her or his facebook account was set to private. Well thats all going to change because I will show you very simple way to view private facebook profiles

 1. Login in your Facebook Account

2. Search for the person

3. Find the persons ID # by Clicking on Send messages

where to find profile id

where to find profile id

5. Copy and Replace the ID # to the link[Person’s ID]&op=1&view=all&subj=[Person’s ID]

6. Copy and paste the link in your browser

7. You should be able to see 10-20 pictures before facebook denies you access.

How To customize facebook profile for free ?

Thanks for those who visited our website . Here i m writing a new post ie “”How to customize facebook profile ” ,
And here i found the solution …….

Personalize your Facebook Background and Colors

ChameleonTom is the Facebook application that everybody has been waiting for. ChameleonTom transforms the mundane blue, grey and white scheme of any Facebook page into a colorful display of personality. Downloading the application is free and is supported by IE 6, 7, 8 and 

Firefox 1.6-3. n may be more .
Just download this Small software , which will help you to customize your profile look . Change it as the way u want …..

Click Here To Get this amazing Tool For Free

How to enable USB ports ?

Materials Needed:
- Computer with USB port
- Microsoft Windows XP Operating System
- motherboard documentation
Step 1
In some instances, in order to prevent unauthorized copying of data to USB-based storage devices, the USB port is disabled intentionally. To enable the USB port, click on the “Start” button and right click on the “My Computer” option.
Step 2
Choose the “Manage” option from the context menu to open the Computer Management window. Click on the “System Tools” category on the left panel. This will display all connected devices of the computer system at the right panel.
Step 3
Click on the “+” sign beside the Universal Serial Bus controllers option to expand it. Right click on the USB Root hub and select “Enable”.
Step 4
Click on the “File” menu and select “Exit” to close the Computer Management window. Reboot the computer system to make sure the changes take effect.
Step 5
An alternative method for the Microsoft Windows environment is to click on the “Start” button and select the “Control Panel” option.
Step 6
Click on the “Performance and Maintenance” category and select the “System” option. This will open the System Properties window.
Step 7
Choose the “Hardware” tab and click the “Device Manage” button. In the Device Manager window, expand the option for the Universal Serial Bus category.
Step 8
Select the USB Root hub entry and click on the “Enable” icon on the toolbar at the upper part of the Device Manager window. Click on the “File” menu and select “Exit”.
Step 9
To enable the USB port from the Windows Registry, click on the “Start” button and select the “Run” option.
Step 10
Type regedit in the Open box and click on the “OK” button to bring up the Registry Editor window.
Step 11
Expand the SYSTEM category under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Click on the “+” beside CurrentControlSet and choose Services.
Step 12
Click the UsbStor option. This should display a list of registry keys in the right pane window. Double click on the “Start” key and replace its value with 3. Make sure that Hexadecimal is selected.
Step 13
Click on the “OK” button. Exit the Registry Editor to complete the process of enabling the USB port.
Step 14
A more direct method is to reboot the computer system and enter the BIOS setting configuration window. Refer to the motherboard’s documentation to identify how to access the BIOS settings and enable the USB port.
If above two methods will not work , here is 1 more……
If you like to go a step further and disable users from connecting USB storage devices to their computers, here’s the trick: Open registry and navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Services\UsbStor
Now in the right pane, double-click Start and type 4 in the Value data box (Hexadecimal) and quite the registry editor. To enable the USB storage devices, change the Start value back to 3.
Sorry , i have no other option… if i got i will surely post it here
Thankz for visting…….. Comments may more help you . don’t forget to comment on this post

How to Hack Windows Administrator Password in window 7 ?

This hack will show you how to reset Windows administrator password (for Win 2000, XP, Vista and Win 7) at times when you forget it or when you want to gain access to a computer for which you do not know the password.
Most of us have experienced a situation where in we need to gain access to a computer which is password protected or at times we may forget the administrator password without which it becomes impossible to login to the computer. So here is an excellent hack using which you can reset the password or make the password empty (remove the password) so that you can gain administrator access to the computer. You can do this with a small tool called  Offline NT Password & Registry Editor. This utility works offline, that means you need to shut down your computer and boot off your using a floppy disk, CD or USB device (such as pen drive). The tool has the following features.
  • You do not need to know the old password to set a new one
  • Will detect and offer to unlock locked or disabled out user accounts!
  • There is also a registry editor and other registry utilities that works under linux/unix, and can be used for other things than password editing.

How it works?

Most Windows operating systems stores the login passwords and other encrypted passwords in a file called sam (Security Accounts Manager). This file can be usually found in \windows\system32\config. This file is a part of Windows registry and remains inaccessible as long as the OS is active. Hence it is necessary that you need to boot off your computer and access this sam file via boot. This tool intelligently gains access to this file and will reset/remove the password associated with administrator or any other account.
The download link for both CD and floppy drives along with the complete instructions is given below
It is recommended that you download the CD version of the tool since floppy drive is outdated and doesn’t exist in today’s computer. Once you download you’ll get a bootable image which you need to burn it onto your CD. Now boot your computer from this CD and follow the screen instructions to reset the password.

Another simple way to reset non-administrator account passwords

Here is another simple way through which you can reset the password of any non-administrator accounts. The only requirement for this is that you need to have administrator privileges. Here is a step-by-step instruction to accomplish this task.
1. Open the command prompt (Start->Run->type cmd->Enter)
2. Now type net user and hit Enter
3. Now the system will show you a list of user accounts on the computer. Say for example you need to reset the password of the account by name John, then do as follows
4. Type net user John * and hit Enter. Now the system will ask you to enter the new password for the account. That’s it. Now you’ve successfully reset the password for John without knowing his old password.
So in this way you can reset the password of any Windows account at times when you forget it so that you need not re-install your OS for any reason. I hope this helps.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Grey matter new HTML/CSS template

Greymatter is a new HTML/CSS template designed by us. Its a business portfolio based template with elegant design.

You can see the screenshots below. Its totally free, you can use it only for personal purpose until you give full credit to us.
  • Fading showcase powered with Jquery based plug-in pikachoose.
  • Specially designed portfolio page
  • Fixed layout
  • PSD’s included

How to get invitation for new facebook messages/email service

Facebook has now launched the next evolution of messages. This service can be used to talk to your friends via SMS, chat, email or messages. It means they will receive your message through whatever medium or device is convenient for them.

Now every user of Facebook can get his own email address while the employees of Facebook will get email address.
According to a blog post on official Facebook blog “To be clear, Messages is not email. There are no subject lines, no cc, no bcc, and you can send a message by hitting the Enter key. We modeled it more closely to chat and reduced the number of things you need to do to send a message. We wanted to make this more like a conversation.
You have to wait for a while to use this new service from Facebook as the new Facebookmessages service is still invite only process.

Get Invitation for New Facebook Messages

You can apply for an invitation to new Facebook messages here. I’ve already applies for the invitation and I’m waiting for it. I’m so excited to try this new service from Facebook and I’m sure you are also excited. Are not you ?
Anyways you can share your views about this new service va comments here.
Meanwhile request for an invite to Facebook messages here –
Thanks to tricks daddy for such a nice article

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How To Get Invitation For New Facebook Messages/Email Service

Hey guys i my previous article i told that facebook is going to launch new email services.
Facebook has now launched the next evolution of messages. This service can be used to talk to your friends via SMS, chat, email or messages. It means they will receive your message through whatever medium or device is convenient for them.

Now every user of Facebook can get his own email address while the employees of Facebook will get email address.
According to a blog post on official Facebook blog “To be clear, Messages is not email. There are no subject lines, no cc, no bcc, and you can send a message by hitting the Enter key. We modeled it more closely to chat and reduced the number of things you need to do to send a message. We wanted to make this more like a conversation.
You have to wait for a while to use this new service from Facebook as the new Facebookmessages service is still invite only process.

Get Invitation for New Facebook Messages

You can apply for an invitation to new Facebook messages here. I’ve already applies for the invitation and I’m waiting for it. I’m so excited to try this new service from Facebook and I’m sure you are also excited. Are not you ?
Anyways you can share your views about this new service va comments here.
Meanwhile request for an invite to Facebook messages here –
Thanks to tricks daddy for such a nice article

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tool to make virus , No coding Required – Download now

To create a virus follow these steps
  1. Download  JPS VIRUS MAKER here
  2. Open the zip file and install the file
  3. In the Victim option select the options you want to do with the virus
  4. You can even combine it with a jpeg file
  5. Then click on create virus

How To Get Virus Off
You may have thought it was funny at first but that virus that you opened that was supposed to be a joke doesnt go away very easily. If you restart your computer it will start again. Heres what you do.
1. Go into processes and end the process csmm.exe
2. Go to the toolbar and click start.
3. My computer
4. C:
5. Windows
6. System 32
Now once your in system 32 there will be A LOT of files. Go to the one that says csmm and delete it. Then you can restart your computer and the virus wont start again

Sunday, November 14, 2010

10 Useful jQuery Plugins and Techniques

jQuery is great for enhancing a website. Whether it be by adding effects that give the site a wow factor, or by making navigation easier, jQuery can have a big impact on the way a website is perceived and used. jQuery is extremely popular among web designers and developers for it’s flexibility, ease-of-use, and of course it’s plugins. So for this post, we’ve rounded up 10 more jQuery plugins and techniques that you should find very useful.

Supersized 3.0 Plugin


This plugin produces a full screen slideshow complete with transitions, preloading, and navigation controls.

Apple-like Retina Effect


Learn how to create an Apple Retina Display magnifying effect with jQuery and CSS.



Flip is a jQuery plugin that will flip easily your elements in four directions.



jSlickmenu, creates, well, slick menus with jQuery. Combined with some great CSS3 features likes rotation and shadows, this plugin can really lift up your design. It’s fairly easy to use, highly customizable and pretty cool (and fun!) to see.

jQuery Address


The jQuery Address plugin provides powerful deep linking capabilities and allows the creation of unique virtual addresses that can point to a website section or an application state.



Overscroll is a jQuery plug-in that mimics the iphone/ipad scrolling experience in a browser. The plug-in adds a draggable drift to overflowed DOM elements as well as a set of fading ‘thumbs’.

jQuery Page Curl


This jQuery plugin allows you to add an interactive page curl to your website.



Contactable is a jQuery plugin designed to make contact/feedback forms simpler and more accessible. This plugin will enable you to create a contact form on any page of a site with minimal effort.

Panning Slideshow


In this tutorial you’ll take the makings of a classic slideshow, but use a different kind of transition to animate between slides.

Sliding Labels


Sliding Labels is a nifty plugin that displays text fields with the labels inside. When the field is clicks, the labels slide out allowing the user to input text.
Here's some other articles that you will definitely find useful.

10 Fresh jQuery Plugins and Tutorials

11 Useful jQuery Tab Navigation Solutions

19 Unique jQuery Tutorials for Web Developers

10 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins

10 jQuery Slider Techniques and Plugins