Friday, September 17, 2010

How to Import RSS feed into Facebook Fan Page

If you have a new Facebook Fan Page, you are probably wondering where the heck the import blog feature went.. Facebook now has it hidden in a tricky little spot.. (for those with existing Fan Pages, yours is still in the same spot, but new pages, without any ‘notes’, can’t see this feature straight up).

Step 1.) Login to Facebook

Head over to and login.

Step 2.) Ads and Pages

Once logged in, click on Ads and Pages. If you have any ads going, it will start on the “ads” page, and you’ll need to click on pages again from the menu, otherwise, it should now give you a list of pages where you are an admin.

Step 3.) Edit Page

Click on “Edit Page” under the Fan page where you wish to import your RSS feed.

Step 4.) Notes

Now scroll down to the Notes application and click on Edit

Step 5.) Write a Note

If you have not written any notes yet on your Fan page, then you will not see the option to Import a blog. I’m going to assume that you haven’t written any notes, as otherwise, you probably wouldn’t be seeking this information in the first place. Click on the “Write a New Note” button.

Step 6.) Notes icon

Click on the little Notes icon as per image above.

Step 7.) Import a blog

You will now see the Import a blog option. Click on the Import a Blog option.

Step 8.) Type in Feed URL and Start Importing

Now type in your blog Feed URL (ie: , agree to the terms, and click on Start Importing. If you have a self-hosted Wordpress blog, you can also import a specific category of your blog, as I have done in the image above. Click on Start Importing.

Step 9.) Confirm Import

You should see a preview listing of all your blog posts – and if all looks well, click on Confirm Import.

Step 10.) Finished

You’ve now finished setting it up.

Final Result: Notes tab

Visit your Fan Page and click on the Notes tab. This tab will now automatically contain all the posts that it imported and any future notes you write to your blog (or category if you chose category feed).

Final Result: Wall tab

The home page (Wall tab) of your Fan Page will also get a copy of the new notes. 

Create sexy easing buttons in Photoshop (Part-2 Jquery markup)


In this part of the tutorial we are going to add the HTML, CSS and Jquery to the image we created. The hover effect is based on the Easing Plug-in.

Step 1: HTML
This is the simple HTML markup for the button. You can also add more buttons by just copying the below code and changing the class button to some other.This will go in body of page.
<div id="nav">
<a class="button" href="#"></a>
Step 2: CSS
Add the following CSS to the head of your HTML document.
    background-position:0px 0px;
.button .hover {
    background-position: -0px -109px;
    opacity: 0;}
Creating new class
If you are creating new button class then remember to add opacity:0; to its hover otherwise the hover image will come first on refreshing the page
Step 3:Jquery
Our button is powered by Jquery and Jquery.Easing.v1.3
Add the following to the head section of your HTML page.

Step 4: Knowing Jquery

If you are adding more buttons then you will also need more classes for that button. Therefore for hover effect you will have to link that class with jquery. Suppose I createdbutton2 as new class so the new jquery will be as below 

    $('.button .button2').append('')       
      $('.button .button2').hover(function() {        
        // Function performed on hover
         $('.hover', this).stop().animate({
         'opacity': 1
          }, 700,'easeOutSine')
          },function() {
          //Function performed on removing the cursor
         $('.hover', this).stop().animate({
        'opacity': 0
       }, 700, 'jswing')

easeOutSine and jswing are two easing effects. There are more effects which you can see at Jquery.Easing.v1.3

How to update AVG antivirus offline?

AVG antivirus is one of the best free antivirus solutions availabl
e today and the new version (v.8) comes with some new features
 such as new antivirus and anti spywrae scanning engine, Link 
Scanner Search shield safe search protection and also the AVG 
Security toolbarwhich was previously available only with paid version of AVG.
Updating any antivirus program with latest virus definitions are must for
continued protection. However, if you don’t have an internet connection and want to manually
 update AVG Free Antivirus offline with the latest virus definitions, here is how. And also,
 even if you have internet connection, updating the free AVG has given lower priority; than
the commercial user.
Procedure for manually updating free AVG:
Download latest virus definition updates (example: u7iav2083yh) from here using another
computer with internet connection. Create a directory called ‘avgupdate’ on your USB drive,
 CD or your PC and copy and paste this file into it.
Now open your AVG User Interface. In the menu bar, choose Tools > Update from directory
 to update AVG antivirus offline (see image)
A new window pops up (see image).
Choose the folder (avgupdate) where the virus definitions are copied. Click OK.
A new window pops up (see image). Click on 'Update'
AVG will update its virus database offline using this file.(see image)

21 Tips Io Increse Windows Performance

Some cool computer tricks for you which notonly speed up your PC but ....... HUH!!! u only post comment after reading da article ...............
        N here we go

  • Your Pc Must have 256MB RAM , 512 MB Cache , Intel Pentium 4 Processor, 40 GB HDD. These 
  • are the minimum requirements.
  • If you see a 'virtual memory low' message then increase its virtual memory. To increase virtual
  •  memory,Go to My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Performance Settings->Advanced->
  • Virtual Memory->Change->Select the appropriate drive->Custom size->set appropriate
  •  level(our it is 600(min.) & 700(max.)->Ok.
  • Increase 'Visual Performance'. Go to My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Performance 
  • Settings->Visual Settings->Custom->Select only the following options.
  • a)Slide taskbar buttons.
  • b)Smooth edges of screen fonts.
  • c)Smooth-scroll list boxes.
  • d)Use a background image for each folder type.
  • e)Use visual style on windows and buttons.
  • Don't keep unwanted/extra fonts. To remove extra fonts, Go to Start->Settings->Control
  •  Panel->Fonts.
  • Your Desktop Wallpaper & Screensaver consume a large amount of disk space. Select
  •  the 'None' option for both wallpapers & Screensavers.
  • Avoid keeping DEMO Games.
  • Uninstall the unwanted Softwares.
  • Use Registry Cleaner to keep your registry clean(without errors).
  • Try to keep Music and pictures files in the folder specified by windows itself.
  • Use Hybernating Option for Quick windows start. To active Hybernating follow the following
  •  steps.Desktop->Properties->Screensaver->Power->Hybernating->Enable Hybernating->Ok.
  • Keep your Dektop clean with unwanted icons.
  • Use Intel Application Accelerator to speed up your disk access,
  • Memory management (at least 512MB RAM Required). This allow XP to keep data in Memory
  •  instead of paging section of RAM.Go to->Start->Run->regedit->HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SYSTEM->CurrentControlSet->Control->Session Manager->Memory Management->Double click it->
  • DisablePageingExecutive->Double Clik it->Set value to 1.
  • Disable Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, and other unwanted programs from startup.
  •  (You can use registry editior to do this.). Because they do not appear in normal Startup Option.
  • Disable indexing files service (only if you do not use search option regularly). To do this
  •  follow the following steps.Go to My Computer->Select the drive for which you want to
  •  disable the indexing service->Properties->Unselect 'Allow Indexing Service'->Ok.
  • For Windows XP, You must use NTFS partition. FAT partition is less supportive for 
  • Windows XP.
  • In BIOS, Select first booting device as your HDD.
  • Setting Priority High for a particular program.Open Task Manager->Processes->Select the
  •  desired Program->Right Click->Set Priority->High->Ok.This Priority set if for current session. 
  • Once you restart your system then its priority will again be Normal.
  • Keep deleting your Temporary Internet Files in regular intervals.Go to Windows Drive 
  • (c: or d:)->Select the User->Local Settings->Temporary Internet Files
  • Empty your browser's cache in regular intervals.21] Avoid keeping Movies in your PC.
  • shut downTo shut down your computer just follow these steps
  • a)open notepad
  • b)write "shutdown -s" without inverted commas
  • c) save it as .bat filewhen u run this ur computer will get shutdown in 30sec
  • Howz Dat .........!!!!!!! :D