Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Show Upgrade browser message to older browser versions

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A major traffic to any site is generally from Firefox or Internet Explorer if we consider the browsers. If we see the type of operating system then the people which visit the site generally use Windows XP or MAC. Windows XP provides IE6 as its default browser. And there are a majority of people which don’t have any information about new browsers so they use IE6 to surf on the web.
This makes IE6 as the commonly used browser from the Internet Explorer family that is used by a majority of users. IE6 is a downgraded explorer. If your site is designed using the modern techniques of web-development then IE6 will definitely show some errors until you sought them out.
Another option is to make the users visiting the site upgrade their browser. We can’t do it ourselves but can provide information to the users that “there are newer browsers available and you should upgrade to these”.
There is this script by DevSlide which enables you to embed a message which will appear to the users whenever they visit a downgraded browser like IE6. You can see the example @ my template http://basic-demo.blogspot.com/. This message will only appear in downgraded browsers Internet Explorer with version 6 or lower.
If you don't see the message then clear the cookies in you browser and the refresh the page. You will see the message again.
There are two ways of getting this script:-
1. On our server (Default version) – Below is the script hosted on our server using the default message. Add this code in your template code above</head> tag.
<link href='http://bloggerz.googlecode.com/files/browser_detection.css' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<script src='http://bloggerz.googlecode.com/files/browser-detection.js' type='text/javascript'/>
2. Get the code from DevSlide (Configure it your way) – Get the code from DevSlide after configuring as place it in you template code above</head> tag.

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