Thursday, December 9, 2010

Which cities and countries your signal has travelled ! !


Hey guyz.hope you all are's article is so much intersting that tommarow i am having my final semeter exam but still i want to write this article___

As we all alwys used to search or anything that is realted to acessing internet either its some buisnes work or social networking,we never think about the logic behind that how this all taking place, some of us know the logic but not aware about the physical path for that search.

Todays article is  somthing about that only. so lets proceed:-
we write in our web broweser the request goes to the google serve in US ,In this article we will trace the path of that request that from which cities and countries that signal has travelled.

1. Now go to start button or windows button and open the run box.

2. Type cmd command, a black screen command prompt will open.

3. Now type "tracert space name of site " without quotes in the command prompt. 

  4. Now press enter and a list of ip address's will appear on the black screen.

5. Now you can search for the following ip address's on internet that to which country or city they belong...i searched on

6. For eg: the first ip= belongs to Slovakia Europe.

7. Hope you people lyk this..NJOYYYYYYYYY hav funnn

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