Wednesday, September 1, 2010

10 Jaw Dropping HTML5 and Javascript Effects

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hey guys i am checking for beautiful jquery effects and i found somethigh more interesting that i want  to share it  with you.


Alright, HTML5 has been released for quite a while now, and its capabilities never cease to amaze me. Here, I have got 10 more HTML and Javascript demonstrations that show you what they can do. Back to few years ago, implementation of these kind of animations are simply impossible and only can be done with Flash, but now, look at them, impressive animations and effects!

  • Breathing Galaxies
    Breathing Galaxies
    Hypotrochoid with dynamically changing color and diameter. Use the keyboard to change shapes mid-stream, or move the mouse to create a new shape.
  • Noise Field
    Noise Field
    Particle trails via Perlin noise. Move mouse to change particle motion. Click to randomize parameters.
  • Keylight
    A playhead travels between keys which resonate in different sounds depending on where they are placed.
  • Swirling Tentacles
    Swirling Tentacles
    Pulsing 3d wires with color cycling and camera tweening, in 1k of JavaScript.
  • FlowerPower
    Another experiment inspired by nature - simple drawing tool with flowers as brushes using bezier curves.
  • Blob
    A soft blob that can be thrown around the screen so that it bounces against the browser window. The blob can also be split (double click) into many blobs, the smaller blobs will merge into a single bigger blob if they collide.
  • Rotating Spiral
    Rotating Spiral
    You are getting sleepy, very sleepy.... A resolution independent rotating spiral – simple, but visually compelling. Click to start, stop, and reverse the rotation.
  • Magnetic
    Magnetic points are used to control a flow of particles. If there are many particles orbiting a magnet, it will radiate color and increase in size.
  • Trail
    Colorful particles follow and rotate around the mouse position to generate an organic trail which then fades out slowly.
  • Graph Layout
    Graph Layout
    An interactive force-directed graph layout.
thanks to queness for this information

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