Saturday, July 25, 2009

55 Ways to Have Fun With Google

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It is awesome book to be used when you are bored and need something to do on net.

This book consists of 55 chapters in which you will get 55 ways to have fun with google.

The chapters are as below:-

  1. Egogoogling: Susan Is...
  2. The Google Snake Game
  3. Memecodes: Survival of the Fittest Web Pages
  4. The Google Irritation Game, and the Google Image Quiz
  5. Googling Proverbs
  6. Browsing Images of a Site
  7. A Brief History of Googlesport
  8. What is Google, and what do people consider fun about it?
  9. How Much Time Google Saves Us
  10. Google Cookin’ a Lemon Chicken
  11. Douglas Adams and the Google Calculator
  12. Oops, I Googled Again
  13. The Disappearing Google Logo, a Magic Trick
  14. Fun With Google Maps, the Wiki Way
  15. Dave Gorman’s Googlewhack
  16. Google Q&A
  17. Celebrate Google Non-Weddings, and More
  18. Design Your SketchUp Dream House
  19. Kevin Bacon and the Google Network
  20. The Google Alphabet
  21. Google Search Tips
  22. Googlepark
  23. Googleshare
  24. The Shortest Google Search (and the One Returning the Most Results)
  25. Google Rotated and Mini Google
  26. The Google Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Google?
  27. Recreate Google From Memory
  28. The Strange World of Google News
  29. Aliens Attack Google!
  30. Top Ten Signs You Are Addicted to Google
  31. Dig a Hole Through Earth
  32. Googlebombing
  33. Google Ads Gone Wrong
  34. Life in the Age of Google
  35. Google Hacking
  36. Googlepolls: Ask the Crowd
  37. Googlefights
  38. What If Google Was Evil? Plus: Five Inventions of the Google Future
  39. The Google Adventure Game
  40. Egobot, Voice of the Web
  41. Fun Google Gadgets
  42. Forty-Two, or: A Science-Fiction Interlude
  43. The Google Book of World Records
  44. Spelling Errors Galore
  45. Google Groups, Time Machine
  46. Growing a Google Word
  47. Most Popular Words, and PopSents
  48. Create Google Poetry, Prose, and Collages
  49. Funny Google Videos
  50. The Realplayer Fish, or: Telling a Story in Synonyms
  51. Google Parodies
  52. The Google Images Prediction Trick
  53. Fun With Google Translations
  54. The Giant Google Painting
  55. Googledromes

You can read all these chapters by downloading the book for the link below.


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