Wednesday, July 29, 2009

5 Awesome Firefox Extensions For Gmail

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There are no two opinions on the fact that Gmail’s popularity as a web based email client continues to soar everyday and its already most popular among geeks and tech savvy crowd.

The popularity of Gmail is primarily due to its excellent features which help the user accomplish a lot of things within his email. And if you are using Firefox as your browser, then with the help of some add ons, you can turn it into the ultimate power house.

Although there are many add ons crafted to work with Gmail, we decided to list the most useful and the most popular among them.

1: Better Gmail 2

Better Gmail 2This is one of the most useful firefox add ons for gmail. It is a combination of some useful greasemonkey scripts and adds features like new Gmail skins, one click conversations, google reader integration, folders for Gmail etc. If you are using the older Gmail version then you should install Better Gmail , which is the older version of this add on.

2: GTD Inbox

GTD Inbox is another excellent add on, especially for those who deal with a large number of emails everyday and want to handle gmail in a better and productive manner. This add on aims to clean up your inbox by treating the emails as tasks and assigning them different actions according to your priorities. You can read an elaborate description of this add on here.

3: Dragdropupload

As it says: “Drop files into attachment boxes instead of browse for them or type in the filename. Drop multiple files and fill all the entries. In some websites it allows to add new upload files: in Gmail is possible to drop the files directly over the “Attach a file” link.”

Hence it makes adding attachments to Gmail an easy and time-saving task.

4: Gspace

We know that Gmail offers storage space of almost 6 GB now and not everyone of us can consume it completely just through emails. So why not use this storage space to store your files and other data ? Thats when Gspace comes into picture. It acts as an online drive, so you can upload files from your hard drive and access them from every Internet capable system.


It has a nice interface too and makes your gmail account look like a FTP host. So if you want to use the Gmail storage space effectively then this could be a useful add on for you.

5: Gmail Manager

gmail managerGmail Manager is another very useful firefox extension, especially if you have multiple gmail accounts. It displays the new mail notifications in different gmail accounts from the status bar and also displays things like unread messages, saved drafts, new mail snippets etc.

I hope some of the aforementioned extensions help you in further enhancing your productivity with Gmail.

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