Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Broadband Scheduler allows you to Schedule Internet Connection

A broadband connection gives you easy and speedy access to data over the Internet, but at the same time these connections are not cheap as well. Most of the connection charges depends on how much data you download, so it is better to have a control of how much time you are connected toInternet. Some broadband plans gives you unlimited access during night. Broadband Scheduler is highly useful as it helps the user to set the time when the computer will automatically enable the Internet connection and start downloading by using other download applications like uTorrent, BitTorrent, FlashGet and other download manger software.

BroadBand Scheduler

This Broadband Scheduler application will automatically disable the Internet at the closing time we set. We can also set to shutdown the computer at the closing time. Another feature is that, user can set to open (start) the download applications like uTorrent, BitTorrent, FlashGet and other download manger software at the time of enabling the connection.

This tool allows you to schedule for both types of connection- Dial up and auto connection. In dial up, users connect to Broadband manually by using Dial-up connection setup and in auto connection, system is connected toInternet at start up itself.

This is a very useful tool if you want to download data only during free Internet hours or during night time only. This application requires .Net framework for functioning.

Download Broadband Scheduler[via www.nirmaltv.com]

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How to Make a Good Password

Creating a Strong Password

Before we begin, you must be clear on one big truth: there is no such thing as a perfect password. A committed hacker can crack any password, given enough time and the right "dictionary" or "brute force" tools. But just like breaking into a car, if the protection is strong enough, the hacker will become discouraged and give up before the protection fails.

How Hackers Crack Passwords

Hackers use one of two major techniques: password recovery (an administrator's technique), and "brute force" repetition. The password recovery tries to fool your computer system into trusting the hacker as a legitimate administrator. Brute force is simply repetitve attempts at your password, up to hundreds of attempts per minute, to crack it.

"Brute Force" Repetition

Hackers often use software tools called "brute force dictionaries"...software that quickly recombines English dictionary words with thousands of varying combinations of spellings. (Yes, much like a Hollywood safecracker movie scene, but slower and less glamorous.)
Brute force dictionaries always start with simple letters "a", "aa", "aaa", and then eventually moves to full words like "dog", "doggie", "doggy". These brute force dictionaries can make up to 50 attempts per minute in some cases. Given several hours or days, these dictionary tools will overcome any password. The secret is to make it take days for your password!

The Password Challenge: "How Can I Make It Tough to Crack, But Easy to Remember?"

Indeed, how does one balance these two contrary objectives? A long password of cryptic characters will be strong, but so frustrating to remember. Yet a short-and-easy password will get cracked within minutes by a good hacker.

Gratefully, there are some helpful tips to create a strong-yet-memorizable password. The idea behind these next five password suggestions is to turn an easy-to-remember phrase into a cryptic word that will discourage hackers.

6 Tips to a Strong Password

1) Make your password long – 6 characters is OK, 10 characters is good, and 15 characters is excellent. 15 is really desirable for high-level security, because 15 is a special number in Microsoft Windows. At 14 characters and less, Windows passwords are scrambled as “hashes” (encrypted into unseen scrambled characters), and stored in hidden Windows system files. It is possible for a gifted hacker to access those stored hashes and unscramble your passwords. However, MS Windows no longer stores hashed passwords at 15 characters and longer. Yes, it is annoying to type 15 characters just to log into your account, but some situations may merit the effort. For example: you are the chief financial officer of a company, or you are the master sergeant for a military unit

2) Start designing the password with a memorable meaningful phrase..then make it complex by adding numbers and special characters. Here is how you do it:

    1. Pick a word or multi-word phrase that is meaningful to you.
    2. Mix one or two letters to be upper case.
    3. Then change one or two letters to be numbers.
    4. Then for the sneaky twist: insert one or two non-alphabetic characters. The beginning or end of the password is easiest for memorization purposes. Examples include: .(period), !,*, %, &, or #.
    5. 3) Change your password every 4 weeks. Many employers serious about protecting their data will require their employees to change their password on a regular basis, once a month at minimum. It is a good practice to do the same on your home computer where you keep private financial information.

      4) Do not store your password on paper or with storage software Please avoid password-keeper programs that claim to make your life easier. It is the opinion of this writer that password products do not offer enough protection for your login information should your computer get hacked. It is better to memorize a password whenever possible. Never keep your passwords on a piece of paper under the keyboard or in your wallet. Do not keep them in your PDA either; if you must store your passwords at all, keep the passwords’ hints instead. For example, as an alternative to storing “Dexter2Gouda” use “puppy’s name, age and favorite snack”.

      5) Use different passwords for your different computer accounts. As annoying as it is to remember them all, please do create a different password for your email, for your online banking, for your eBay and your PayPal. Should one of your passwords ever be compromised, at least the hacker will not be taking over all of your accounts.
    6. Advanced Tips for Designing Strong Passwords:

        • If you frequently login to various websites and keep re-using the same password for all of them, check out Nic Wolff’s clever password generator utility here:http://angel.net/~nic/passwd.html
        • The idea behind Nic Wolff's utility is to have one “master password” to secure all your other passwords, no matter how many of them you have!
        • Although the mathematical encryption is complex, the Master Password itself is easy to use. The whole Wolff Master Password process is explained in a short movie tutorial created by InfoWorld’s Jon Udell here:
          These utilities are free and none of the passwords you generate with these scripts is transmitted or stored anywhere.
          6) use spaces one of the working method found by me is to use spaces at the last of your password. you can set any number of password behind your password it depend upon u.this is going to protect your account from phishing etc
          Good luck with keeping your private information private! We can never completely stop hackers or car thieves, but we can certainly make these scoundrels work for it if they want to hack our accounts.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to Hide Your Profile On Facebook

Facebook offers several levels of privacy protection, including hiding your profile from certain people and/or offering a limited profile. With just a few tweaks of the settings, you can easily set exactly who sees what on your profile.

    Hide Only Your Profile

  1. Step1
    Sign on to the Facebook home page with your email address and password (see Resources below).

  2. Step2
    Click on "My Privacy" to change who can see your profile. The My Privacy page lets you adjust each feature of your Facebook account separately. If you only want to hide certain features, like the mini-feed or photos, then adjust only those preferences.

  3. Step3
    Click on "Edit Settings" for the limited profile. You will land on a page with a preview of your current limited profile.

  4. Step4
    Choose all or none of the Facebook features you want people to see on your limited profile. To completely hide your profile, make sure all boxes are unchecked before hitting the "Save" button.

  5. Step5
    Add people to the limited profile list from the My Privacy page. People you put on the list can only view the features you let them see. They will still be your friends, however.

      Hide Yourself Completely on Facebook

    1. Step1
      Head to the "My Privacy" page while logged in to Facebook.

    2. Step2
      Search for users to add to the "Block People' list. You can add any user on Facebook. Once added, that user will not be able to view any part of your profile or find you when doing searches. This is the best way to hide completely from someone.

    3. Step3
      Find the user you want to block and simply click "Block Person" next to his or her name.

    4. Step4
      Click "Remove" next to the person's name if you later decide you don't want to block the person. If the person was your friend on Facebook, you will have to request to be his or her friend again.

      Tips & Warnings

      • If you use the privacy settings on Facebook properly, you can control every aspect of your profile and who sees it. See the Help section for more information on setting the various privacy levels (see Resources below).

      • The only way to truly hide on Facebook and completely protect your identity is to delete your account entirely. Otherwise, you must add each person you want to hide from individually

        source -> www.ehow.com

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Gtalk trick-How to open Multiple gtalk windows?

hello frds you know how to open a multiple yahoo messenger. so now bring new post i which i am goin to tell u how to open a multiple g talk
Gtalk trick-How to open Multiple gtalk windows???
1. Right-click GTalk shortcut and select Properties.
2. The shortcut properties dialog box as shown below should popup.
3. Just add /nomutex to the existing text
Eg: "C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe"
4. Now you can launch multiple windows and use different ID's.


for any kind of problem plz contact me

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Get serial key n patches.

If u r a regular user of large amount of software then this post is really going to help you.
we use a large amount of software but there are software are for trial version  and after some time asking for key or online registration.
even i face this kind of problem when i am using tvc but after some time its time over and asking for key...
so this force me to find somethingh  which solve my problem so i find list of some websites where u can find crack,key for large amount of software....

here is a list of some websites where u find this

  1. keygenguru
  2. serialkey
  3. zcrack
  4. serials
  5. subserials
  6. cracksearchengine
  7. crackfind
  8. serials
  9. crackfound
  10. serialkey
  11. youserials
  12. crackserialcodes
  13. keygens
  14. bestserials
  15. cracks
i hope this will going to help u . if u find or know any another good website or having any problem then contact me.comments are allowed .
i hope u will enjoy this post

Friday, October 16, 2009

New Automatic Read More Plugin for Blogger – Create Post Summary Widget with Thumbnails


Friday, October 9, 2009


Downloading from RAPIDSHARE often becomes a headache due to the time delay for FREE downloaders!!!

Do as follows :
>> Click a Download link for Rapidshare !

>> Click the Free button on Rapidshare Page !

>> Now as usual the timer starts !!!

>> Now, go to the address box of your browser.
(Address Box >> Where you type the websites !)

>> In the address box type: javascript:alert(c=0)

>> Click OK on the alert box that arises.

>> NO WAITING.........ENJOY......

Now share your desktop via internet

If you are looking for an efficient, easy and free way to connect securely to a computer at another physical location to take control of its screen, mouse and keyboard, CrossLoop enables you to do just that.. for Free. CrossLoop enables you to see the screen and control the mouse and keyboard on a remote computer using an encrypted connection which utilizes the Blowfish 128 bit algorithm. All that needs to be done is download the CrossLoop application and run it at both computers that shall take part in the process.

The host, that is the computer that sends it screens to the other computer, has to setup an access code and the computer that wants to join has to enter that access code to be able to establish the connection. A random access code is generated when you click on the Host tab. This service is really worth it.. do give it a try..

Link: http://www.crossloop.com/

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Promote Your Business/Blog/Service on Orkut: FREE!

After status update, suggested friends, chat, SMS, widgets etc features, here comes one more importantand most awaited feature orkut ‘promote’: a free tool to help you spread the news to all your orkut friends…and beyond!

Now marketers, bloggers can invest their time in tweaking the ad copy to impress Orkut users, to drive traffic, leads and sales.

When you first create a promotion, only your friends will be able to see it. Once they click on “promote it!”, their friends can see it.. and so on.

To see the number of clicks, views, Promotions, Trashes, goto “promote”, then click on “my promotions” tab.

Orkut has recently released a new feature which they call ‘Orkut Promote’.

As the name itself suggests, this feature will allow orkut users to promote ‘their stuff’ throughout orkut. Great for some free and awesome advertising opportunities on the hottestsocial networking site in India…huh? :P

Let us get deeper into this feature and dig out what it has in store for us..

Getting Started With Orkut Promote

Orkut promote is a viral promotion opportunity which orkut has integrated within which enables orkut users to create their own promotions or i’d better call advertisements which will be shown to everyone in their friend list on the top section of the right sidebar on their home page.

Getting Started With Orkut Promote

This means..No more Google Ads in my Right Sidebar?

Promotions and Google Ads will be rotated and you can trash and spread both of them. If you trash a particular promotion or advertisement, it will never show up again but will be replaced by a new one.

Did I hear the word ‘Viral’ somewhere?

Yes you did..This promotion could go viral if your friends love your promotion. All they have to do is to choose the spread option above your promotion and the same promotion will be shown to their friends too. And so on, it will spread amongst your network in no time at all.

Wow! Great for Some Damn Good Advertising!

Just a minute. To add, if your promotion sucks!…it will be trashed by your friends and will never be shown to them again. Forget about it being spread to their network.

You can track all the stats of your promotion in your promote page.

Orkut Promote

This is so Awesome..Where do i Start?

If you are a user in India, you’ll need to wait for a couple of months to get this feature live in your orkut profile. Orkut users in other countries have already started getting this feature in their profiles. You can tell this feature is live when a promote option is shown in your left sidebar just below the events.

orkut promote

Once you choose the promote option, you will be taken to a page where you will have to create your own promotion. You can add a video or a photo from your photo album too.

Once you choose create, your promotion will be shown to all of your friends. It’s up to them if they spread or trash it